Greencare Wellness Experts

Our Wellness Experts will educate and empower you to integrate mindful lifestyle practices into your daily routine, reducing stress and supporting your long-term health.

Kate Kendall


Passionate about teaching the art of ‘slow living’, Kate is the Co-Founder of Flow Athletic and author of ‘Life in Flow’ – a contemporary guide to living your Yoga off the mat.

Serving her community in Paddington and internationally, Kate recognises the huge potential and power in breathwork to dramatically shift mindset and mood as well as process and eliminate old narratives and emotions. Kate is grateful for the way it’s impacted her own life.

With over 20 years experience in teaching yoga and breath, and having undertaken numerous trainings with teachers from all over the globe as well as facilitating her own ‘Inspired Leaders’ Yoga Teacher Training, Kate is forever humbled and a student of the practice of yoga as a way of life.

Sessions with Kate start at $120. 

$120 for 60min Introduction Session (new clients only)

$300 for 60min session (for existing clients)

$864 for three 60min sessions (for existing clients)

$1,380 for five 60min sessions (for existing clients)

The quality of your breath is directly linked to the quality of your focus. And your focus is the most precious energetic currency you have.

In these sessions with Kate you will practice simple and profoundly effective ways to switch your mental and emotional states using ancient technologies borrowed from Yoga and backed by science. Taking into consideration your health goals, expect to learn techniques that can be used in every day moments as well as those that are best practiced alone. 
The intention is to have you feel better, more often.

Phase 1. A conversation with specific questions about your current mental, emotional and physical state.

Phase 2. Description of the practices and how to do each technique followed by actual practice. This forms the main part of the session and may often be sealed with meditation or relaxation. Music is often used as a powerful motivator.

Phase 3. Integration. A conversation around how to take the practices you have learned with you and how to use them in your every day life (or until the next time we meet).

You’ll be provided with a recording of the session which is included in the cost.


These sessions are beneficial if you are experiencing:
  • vagueness & fatigue
  • poor digestion
  • lacking in motivation & focus
  • feel closed and emotional 
We all take different gifts from this experience but commonly we notice:
  • improved sleep
  • better digestion 
  • mental clarity
  • reduced anxiety or vagueness and inflammation in the body. 
This work goes as deep as you want it to. Emotions can come unstuck as some of the techniques prescribed have an emotionally cathartic effect – pulling anything repressed, covered up and denied to the surface. It’s recommended you make space after your sessions to integrate and relax to get the full effects. 
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Meet Our Wellness Experts

Enhance your wellbeing with the help of our highly experienced wellness experts.

Benefits of Integrated Wellness

Integrated wellness is an approach to health that emphasises the interconnectedness of aspects of well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. 

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Our Women's Health Medical Expert

Kathleen Kuntz, MSN/NP

University of Pennsylvania BSN/MSN Nursing 2002 
Australia – AHPRA Registered Nurse with Nurse Practitioner
Specialisation in Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Sexual Health

Kathleen is an experienced Nurse Practitioner with a proven track record of assisting clients in finding relief through alternative plant based medications.

With over 25 years experience in women’s health, Kathleen has extensive experience in looking after female veterans who experience chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD and related insomnia (at unacceptably high rates); women experiencing chronic pain associated with endometriosis or other chronic pelvic pain syndromes; sexual health, vulvovaginal pain, pain with intercourse, and pain related to menopause.

After experiencing the positive effects plant based medicine had on patients in the USA, Kathleen undertook the training/education to become a certified cannabis prescriber. After moving to Canberra from the USA, Kathleen became an authorised prescriber in Australia. 

Kathleen is driven by her passion to help patients on their healthcare journey through alternative medication.