Take Charge of Your Health Today.

Our team of compassionate practitioners will work with  you to develop a personalised treatment plan to help you on your healthcare journey.

Same day appointments

Fast turnaround times for prescription fulfillment

Friendly support team

Our Practitioners Believe In Natural Healthcare Treatments

If conventional treatments have let you down, our practitioners can offer you the medical advice and support you need to take control of your mental and physical health through alternative treatment options. 

Convenient telehealth Consults

We offer discreet and convenient telehealth consultations so you can feel comfortable in the privacy of your own home.

Enjoy same-day appointments and access to a compassionate Patient Care team.

Book an appointment today.

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Our Women's Health Medical Expert

Kathleen Kuntz, MSN/NP

University of Pennsylvania BSN/MSN Nursing 2002 
Australia – AHPRA Registered Nurse with Nurse Practitioner
Specialisation in Obstetrics/Gynaecology/Sexual Health

Kathleen is an experienced Nurse Practitioner with a proven track record of assisting clients in finding relief through alternative plant based medications.

With over 25 years experience in women’s health, Kathleen has extensive experience in looking after female veterans who experience chronic pain, anxiety, PTSD and related insomnia (at unacceptably high rates); women experiencing chronic pain associated with endometriosis or other chronic pelvic pain syndromes; sexual health, vulvovaginal pain, pain with intercourse, and pain related to menopause.

After experiencing the positive effects plant based medicine had on patients in the USA, Kathleen undertook the training/education to become a certified cannabis prescriber. After moving to Canberra from the USA, Kathleen became an authorised prescriber in Australia. 

Kathleen is driven by her passion to help patients on their healthcare journey through alternative medication.