Hair Loss

We offer convenient telehealth consultations, tailored to men’s health.

Whether you’re managing specific health concerns, or looking for advice on weight loss, sexual health or hair loss, our practitioners are here to support you at every stage of your healthcare journey. Book your appointment today.

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How it works with Greencare Clinics

With convenient and discreet telehealth consultations, personalised treatment plans, and fast delivery to your door, we personalise your journey to wellness.


Book a telehealth appointment online


Consult with one of our Australian based practitioners


If treatement is required, it will be delivered to your door

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Alternative Health

From $79 - $189

Men's Health

From $49

Women's Health

From $49

Hair Loss

From $49

Wellness Experts

From $120

Coming Soon.

Appointments for Hair Loss coming soon. Please call the Greencare team on 1300 508 888 to make a booking.

Appointments for Hair Loss coming soon. Please call the Greencare team for more information on 1300 508 888.

Your form has been submitted and reviewed, our friendly team will be in touch.